Dreams of a Fallen Earth Jerome I awoke to a nightmare – I saw my world tearing itself limb from limb and devouring its own flesh with the bloody jaws of immorality – a beast like a dragon with the face of a lion ripping and shredding the skin of truth and humanity with awful talons and razor claws, There was Greed, a disgustingly fat and debonair fellow with a shallowly jolly smile and teeth like steak knives, and all the world fell on their faces at his feet and he showered them with empty promises of wealth and happiness and love, and all the time his grin grew wider and joviality was replaced by horror in his compleion, Vanity was there, her nose in the air – she took not even a glance at the masses who worshiped at her feet (she felt it appropriate) but only continuously primped and groomed herself – combing her golden hair, patting rouge on her honey cheeks, and brushing mascara along her dark eyelashes that shadow her empty and thoughtless jet-black eyes, Death made an appearance, looking quite well considering his current occupation – with charming smile and rolling laugh and an attractive and friendly face he sat and grinned and laughed along and gently collected the lot of men he was allowed and cast them with fiery passion and sociopathic pleasure into the pit of fire and darkness and eternal torture, The life of the party – the brothers Anger and Hate - were slamming it up in Death's infernal mosh pit – their faces were scarred, deformed, pockmarked, and scabbed and with utmost joy they destroyed mankind – setting brother against brother and mother against daughter and with the help of their sister Prejudice they held the whole world in their iron claws – Their mother was War, their father Power, both similarly wretched and malformed creatures – with wise, malicious manipulation the twisted the desires and wills of the world for their own entertainment – they play a never-ending game of chess, where all men are pawns and they are kings and no conclusion will ever be reached until all pawns are gone and they declare it a stalemate – Lust was shaking it up on the dance floor with Rape and in both their eyes shone an unmasked desire for all the secret, dark acts of pleasure and their hands were armed with razor nails to rip and tear and scar their victims and their loyal subjects danced all around them – naked and grasping at the blouse of Lust and the coattail of Rape – There was Religion, looking solemnly haughty, with his face and hands raised toward Heaven and his booming voice shouting praises of his own faithfulness – with meaningless rituals he sanctified himself and snubbed his nose at the unreligioned for their rejection of his sacred hypocrisy – Poverty and Famine stood in the corner, lanky and ghostly and frail, stalking their prey with their jagged and rotted teeth – they were dressed in beggars rages – beneath which hunger-swelled stomachs poked – dirty burlap cloth and covered with soot and openly bleeding puss-filled sores and attracted flies which fed on their agony – Poverty and Famine didn't seem to mind – Mysticism hid opposite Famine, conjuring and chanting secretive words, casting curses upon the earth, with amulets and trinkets and potions and candles all about her – calling on the victims of Death to lend her their powers so she might find some peace of mind – Addiction was reeling and leaning against the wall with a half-empty bottle of whiskey in his hand and tossing pills to his groveling followers as they crawl around in the urine and vomit that flows like a river beneath their feet, not caring about anything but their next fix – Apathy was lounging in another corner – he had hordes of devoted followers (perhaps the most of any) but he didn't seem to care in the least – he did nothing in particular, simply sat and observed with no attempt to veil his obvious lack of interest – he was in some ways the most upsetting of them all – his disciples neither bowed at his feet nor sang his praises but rather sat complacently with blank expressions on their faces – These are the demons of the earth, the wretches of a fallen world – those who bring pain and thrive on faithlessness and feed on grief and sorrow – these are the faces of my nightmare, the nightmare I'm living every day – how I loathe these demon fiends, how I dread their touch, their breath – Now slowly a haze rolls back from my eyes and I begin to see more clearly – I see in them the faces of our leaders and lovers, fathers and mothers, sisters and brothers, and everyone I've ever known – but in the face of the dragon, the most accursed of beasts, I see another face – where I thought I saw a lion – I now see only me.