Get Up Jerome Gotta get up and get out of this place I've been sleeping for far too long Gotta hit the road with my backpack and my books, My faith, my clothes, and unconditional love – Gonna drive to Texas and pick up James He can bring his junk along – there's plenty of room for everyone We'll talk and ride the flank of the Mississippi All the way to Minn-ee-soh-duh With Leah on my arm we'll hitch hike to Emporium Teaching and preaching and singing all the way Bring Carrie along on our Bum Crusades Then off to Vermillion for a couple more Then Arkansas for Wyle and his monkeys in a barrel And when we're all together we can hop a bus to Denver, Hang out on Laredo and get a few kicks Teach people the Word and shout out on soapboxes All our beliefs and political theories Of peace and love and anarchy Then back to New Orleans – the place I call home We can bum ‘round the Quarter And probably actually look pretty normal Then we'll make our rounds and drop people off And I'll return to my home again And take another nap and dream about what I might do tomorrow – Just for kicks.