The Last Revolutionary Jerome A war! A war? A war!! America is at war again! Wtih bombs and guns and ships and planes – we're fighting someone else's war again. Patriot that I've always been, I rushed straight to the front lines of battle – up the stairs and into the attic, frantically digging through ancient cardboard boxes – Sad boxes with droopy jowls and sorrowful eyes lay limp and dead in my hands as I pulled aside their flaps and examined their intestines – shoes, picture albums and hundreds of moths fluttering past my head towards the light – Eureka! I pulled a dusty, ragged tangle of olive-colored cloth from one particularly forlorn box and held it up so that if unfurled like a sail – my father's old army fatigues. Back in my room I pulled on the slightly baggy clothes and admired my reflection in the mirror, the laced up the big black boots – a little small – I felt so alive and free. I marched out of the house, head held high – chanting to myself – Army fatigues decorated with flowers and peace signs and slogans – "Make love, not war," "Heck no – we won't go!" People I passed cast strange and wary glances at me as I marched ever onward to the beat inside my head – up the concrete steps of the school and into the mass of people who idled around, waiting for the almighty bell. A thousand eyes fell upon me and when I joined my group of friends they shrank back from me slowly. None of them were protesting – I realized I was all alone. Jumped upon the cafeteria table and began to shout out my speech – "we've fought long enough for every one else! – exercising our military might – but this is not our fight – we can't stand for this anymore!" More stares, a smattering of laughs and one cheer of mock appreciation. I surveyed the crowd, the ignorant proud, and with head hung low I stepped from my podium – I didn't understand. We're interfering again in affairs we don't know and forcing our wills on the rest of the world – a global totalitarian regime – And no one cares – not even one – could I be the only one who sees? or am I just the one lacking apathy? So here stand – alone again – an idealistic relic – the last revolutionary.